Parents Father: MALCZYNSKI , Franciszek (Francis) Mother: KRUPSKA , Marianna
EventsBirth Date: 19 FEB 1877 Place: Wola Ociecka, Galicia, Austria-Poland Sources Prefix: Passenger Arrival Record, Ellis Island, NYC Prefix: WWI Draft Registration Card - Prefix: Death Certificate, City of Newark, NJ
Immigration Date: 2 APR 1907 Place: Arrived at Ellis Island, NYC on "Frankfurt" sailing from Bremen Sources Prefix: Passenger Arrival Record, Ellis Island, NYC
Immigration Date: 2 APR 1907 Place: Last residence - Wola Ociecka, Austria-Hungary (Poland) - 146.8 miles South of Warsaw Sources Prefix: Passenger Arrival Record, Ellis Island, NYC
Residence Date: 1918 Place: 9 Passaic Avenue, Newark, NJ Sources Prefix: WWI Draft Registration Card -
Occupation Date: 1918 Place: Blacksmith at Consolidated Color Co., Newark, NJ Sources Prefix: WWI Draft Registration Card -
WWI Draft Registration Date: 12 SEP 1918 Place: Registered at Newark, Essex, NJ Sources Prefix: WWI Draft Registration Card -
Occupation Date: 1930 Place: Machinist, Machinery works Sources Prefix: 1930 United States Federal Census
Residence Date: 10 APR 1930 Place: Residence 1930 - 112 Houston St., Newark, NJ Sources Prefix: 1930 United States Federal Census
Citizenship Date: 19 DEC 1936 Place: Naturalized & Granted citizenship, US District Court, Newark, NJ Sources Prefix: Certificate of Citizenship
Residence Date: 10 JAN 1945 Place: Residence at time of death - 112 Houston St, Newark, NJ Sources Prefix: Death Certificate, City of Newark, NJ
Death Date: 10 JAN 1945 Place: Newark, Essex, New Jersey Sources Prefix: Death Certificate, City of Newark, NJ
Burial Date: 15 JAN 1945 Place: Holy Cross Cemetary Sources Prefix: Death Certificate, City of Newark, NJ
Cause of Death (Facts Pg) Date: 1 OCT 1945 Place: Sudden death on street, coronary arterioschlerosi, coronary occlusion Sources Prefix: Death Certificate, City of Newark, NJ
Relation to WERTZ , Marianna 15 AUG 1909 Marriage; Place: Brooklyn, Kings, New York 15 AUG 1909 Marriage; Place: Ceremony performed by Father P. Wilamowski 15 AUG 1909 Marriage; Place: City marriage certificate signed by Rev. Leo Wjoiceki, as having performed the ceremony - different from church certificate 15 AUG 1909 Other relation; Place: Witnesses at wedding - Anthony Malczynski & Augusta Hamner
Children of MALCZYNSKI , Joseph John and WERTZ , Marianna MALCZYNSKI , Antoinette (6 SEP 1910) MALCZYNSKI , Frank (1914) MALCZYNSKI , Joseph (1916) MALCZYNSKI , Genevieve (24 APR 1920) MALCZYNSKI , Mary (1922) MALCZYNSKI , John Patrick (17 MAR 1924) MALCZYNSKI , Sophia Theresa (31 MAY 1926) MALCZYNSKI , Leo (4 DEC 1930) MALCZYNSKI , Alexandra Victoria (15 JUN 1932)