ParentsEvents Birth Date: 14 SEP 1915 Place: Newark, Essex, New Jersey Sources Prefix: Social Security Administration - Form SS-5
Alternate Spelling Date: 1 DEC 1936 Place: SS-5 shows different spelling - "PRIPISZ" Sources Prefix: Social Security Administration - Form SS-5
Social Security Number Date: 1 DEC 1936 Place: 136-01-6020 Sources Prefix: Social Security Administration - Form SS-5
Occupation Date: 1 DEC 1936 Place: Employed at Celluloid Corp. of America, 290 Ferry St., Newark, NJ Sources Prefix: Social Security Administration - Form SS-5
Residence Date: 1 DEC 1936 Place: 80 Pulaski Street, Newark, Essex, NJ Sources Prefix: Social Security Administration - Form SS-5
Death Date: 16 AUG 1996 Place: Pasadena, Anne Arundel, Maryland Sources Prefix: Social Security Death Index Prefix: Probate Notice - Maryland Gazette Newspaper, Anne Arundel County, MD
Relation to MALCZYNSKI , Genevieve
Children of PRESTON , Leo C. (Przepisz) and MALCZYNSKI , Genevieve PRESTON , Kenneth (23 MAR 1947) PRESTON , David J. (30 AUG 1952)