Parents Father: MALCZYNSKI , Franciszek (Francis) Mother: KRUPSKA , Marianna
Sources Prefix: Baptism Records, St. Casimir's, Newark, NJ. FHL Film #1398625
EventsBirth Date: 18 MAY 1886 Place: Slupiec, Galicia, Poland Sources Prefix: Marriage Records, St. Casimir's, Newark, NJ. FHL Film #1398625 Prefix: Ksiegi Koscielne Parafia (Parish) Slupiec, Tarnow Diocese. FHL Film # 1958429
Baptism Date: 23 MAY 1886 Place: at Roman Catholic Church in Slupiec, Tarnow, Poland Sources Prefix: Ksiegi Koscielne Parafia (Parish) Slupiec, Tarnow Diocese. FHL Film # 1958429
Occupation Date: 1918 Place: Polisher at Newman Co, Newark, NJ Sources Prefix: WWI Draft Registration Card -
Residence Date: 1918 Place: 506 Market Street, Newark, NJ Sources Prefix: WWI Draft Registration Card -
WWI Draft Registration Date: 12 SEP 1918 Place: Registered at Newark, Essex, NJ Sources Prefix: WWI Draft Registration Card -
Relation to TRYBULEC , Marianna 29 JAN 1911 Marriage; Place: Newark, Essex, New Jersey 29 JAN 1911 Marriage; Place: Performed at St. Casimir's, Newark, NJ - Fr. J. Manteuffel 29 JAN 1911 Other relation; Place: Jacob Rehr & Stanislaus Trybulec
Children of MALCZYNSKI , Antonio and TRYBULEC , Marianna MALCZYNSKI , Stanislaus Antonio (16 FEB 1912) MALCZYNSKI , Johanna Marianna (17 MAY 1913) MALCZYNSKI , Anthony (ABT 1917) MALCZYNSKI , Jessie (ABT 1919)