Parents Father: BAER, Axram Mother: ROSENTHAL, Rachel
EventsBirth Date: 30 DEC 1850 Place: Labischin, Posen, Prussia Sources Title: 1900 United States Federal Census Title: IGI file, submitted by a LDS church member, not verified
Immigration Date: 1871 Place: Taken from 1900 Census data Sources Title: 1900 United States Federal Census
Immigration Date: 5 APR 1871 Place: Arrived at NY on "Allemannia" sailing from Hamburg
Immigration Date: 5 APR 1871 Place: Traveled with Rosalie Baer - sister?
Other event Number of Children (Facts Place: Had 7 children; 7 living - census data 1900 & 1910 Sources Title: 1910 United States Federal Census
Other event Alternate Name Date: 1887 Place: Jennie is shown as "Johanna" on birth certificate of son Alexander Sources Title: State of New York, Certificate and Record of Birth
Death Date: 8 FEB 1922 Place: Paterson, Passaic, New Jersey Sources Title: IGI file, submitted by a LDS church member, not verified
Relation to POTASCH, Morris (Moritz) 1871 Brooklyn, New York Marriage
Children of POTASCH, Morris (Moritz) and BAER, Jennie POTASH, Samuel (30 OCT 1871) POTASH, Morey (Max) (24 SEP 1875) POTASH, Bertha (15 SEP 1877) POTASH, Isadore (8 OCT 1880) POTASH, Minnie (6 JUL 1883) POTASH, William (24 APR 1885) POTASH, Alexander Humbolt (23 DEC 1887)