Parents Father: POTASCH, Morris (Moritz) Mother: BAER, Jennie
EventsOther event Born -Alt Date: 8 DEC 1887 Place: Different birthdate listed on SS-5 Sources Title: Social Security Death Index - Form SS-5
Birth Date: 23 DEC 1887 Place: New York City, New York, New York - per birth certificate Sources Title: State of New York, Certificate and Record of Birth
Residence Date: 1942 Place: 612 S. Alvarado St., Los Angeles, CA Sources Title: Social Security Death Index - Form SS-5
Social Security Number Date: 5 JAN 1942 Place: # 568-20-4869 Sources Title: Social Security Death Index - Form SS-5
Death Date: MAY 1977 Place: Flushing, Queens, New York
Relation to Sadie,